
Park anywhere with Q-Park Business PaSS

Drive in and out of any Q-Park car park in Belgium hassle free thanks to Q-Park Business PaSS. Park and pay automatically using your number plate. You will receive a digital invoice, including an overview of all your parking transactions once a month. No need to dig out all those receipts and parking tickets for expense claims. Handy for your financial admin, plus it saves time for your employees. You can find all your details and invoices in My Q-Park, so you always know where and when you parked.
  • Seamless access and exit

    No need to stop at the pay­ment ma­chine before you leave: your season ticket of­fers auto­matic con­tact­less access to the park­ing fa­cil­ity.
  • My Q-Park account

    As a season ticket hold­er, you will auto­mat­ic­ally get a My Q-Park account. This is where you will find all your per­son­al data and your in­voices, con­ven­iently in one place.
Which season ticket suits you best?

Q-Park offers a range of season tickets to meet your parking needs:

  • On fixed or flexible days, 24 hours, during office hours, or just at night or in the weekend
  • Always in the same car park, all car parks in a single city, or at any car park throughout the country
My Q-Park App Your season ticket is available immediately in the Q-Park app. Here you can see exactly when and in which car parks you can park. Once you have activated number plate parking, you can also park fully contactless at all other Q-Park car parks in Belgium. You’ll receive an overview of your parking expenses at the end of every month.
  • You can apply for a season ticket through our website. Specify your car park, payment frequency, start date and other preferences. Click here to apply for your season ticket today:


  • If you wish to cancel your season ticket, you must notify us at least 1 month before your season ticket expires. You can find your current season ticket period (monthly, quarterly, half yearly, yearly) in your My Q-park account.

    If you do not cancel your season ticket at least one month before its expiry date, your season ticket will be automatically extended by the same period as your current season ticket. For example, if you have a quarterly season ticket, it will be automatically renewed for another 3 months.

    You can cancel your season ticket in your My Q-Park account, by using the contact form, or by registered letter. Please refer to the terms and conditions for season tickets for more information about season ticket periods and cancellation.

  • If you have a season ticket for a Q-Park car park, we guarantee there will always be a parking space for you. Even if the signs indicate that the car park is full, you can count on a space being available for you as a season ticket holder.

  • You can make most changes yourself in your My Q-Park account. However, if you want to change any details that are not listed in My Q-Park, please contact our customer service department at

  • Customers who have not opted for a season ticket that is valid 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, can of course park outside the hours stated on their season ticket, but must pay the normal parking charge for those hours. These extra hours must be paid for at the car park. 

Other questions?
Visit our FAQ page or contact our customer service department.

Company details

Company name is required
Street is required
House number is required
Postcode is required
Enter a valid Belgian postcode.
Town/city is required
VAT number is required
Enter a valid VAT number

Contact details

Contact name is required
Phone number is required
Enter a valid phone number
E-mail address is required
Enter a valid e-mail address
If applicable
Customer number is required

Business PaSS details

Please allow 10 working days following receipt by Q-Park for processing.

Vehicle 1

4 digits
Door code is required
Voer een viercijferige toegangscode in.

Vehicle 2

4 digits
Door code is required
Voer een viercijferige toegangscode in.

Vehicle 3

4 digits
Door code is required
Voer een viercijferige toegangscode in.

Vehicle 4

4 digits
Door code is required
Voer een viercijferige toegangscode in.

Vehicle 5

4 digits
Door code is required
Voer een viercijferige toegangscode in.


Please give a short explanation of your needs. Our customer service department will contact you to complete your application.
Comments is required

Payment method

E-mail for invoices is required
Enter a valid e-mail address

Terms and conditions and privacy

Online Payment Methods
Bancontact - Mister Cash
Diners Club Card